A lot of people have a hard time finding their best friend, but I was one of the lucky ones who found one really early in life. The day I was born I got my best friend, my mom. She is my rock, and the person who's opinion means the most to me.
Today we are celebrating this special woman's birthday, and if I had it my way we would celebrate her everyday around here. I always tell people that my parents are the backbone of Lovegood. I could not do this crazy adventure without them, but my mom is also the glue that keeps us all together.
Below is from the day I graduated from Mississippi State University in 2011.

Below is a photo from one of our crazy adventures in Lancaster, PA. We had been the precious year and found loads (20' U-haul full) of good finds for the Lovegood collection and had to go pick up our goodies at the beginning of the 2014. Mom was so excited about some of the stuff outside that she was willing to walk in 2 feet of snow to get a closer look. We be crazy.

Lovegood has some amazing pieces from all over the United States. When we find pieces to buy, my mom also wears the hat as our Lovegood driver and drives every U-Haul, Penske, or Lovegood trailer we get. She is a strong woman, who doesn't let anything get in her way. Below are photos from our trip that we took to pick up 36 church pews from Covington, Kentucky. Mom drove 725 miles in the largest Penske truck they have, 26 feet! Blogging about that adventure very soon.

Sweet Note for My Hard Working Mom:
You are my best friend, and I love you so much. You have taught me to be strong and wise. You have always been able to speak your mind with class and ease, and I look up to you for that. Your giving heart and selflessness is contagious.
We are those crazy pickers from Florida and Mississippi. Two Southern ladies trying to find the best deals and unique finds. Thank you for all that you do. You are my Momma Lovegood.
Love always,
Your Lauren Marie